Thursday, February 19, 2009

Of All Things. Shoker!

So I've been trying really hard just to stay fit active and eat right so that I can just feel better about my body and guuuuuessss what?! It is! I'm so happy right now to be alive!

This week has been interesting. It started with Church and a Mu Phi Epsilon meeting and hopefully it will end with karaoke at Bennigan's! All of my new friends at Texas State are amazing. They are all so diverse and I am very thankful that they are.

Yesterday I was having a discussion with my closest and best friend. They told me that there was this guy who thought I was absolutely gorgeous (which I already new he thought that a long time ago), but probably won't date me just because I won't have sex with him. At fist I pretty much blew up and was like "that ho!" and so on. But then my friend Jessica, as well as my closest friend, that to boys who have already had sex it becomes something they are accustomed to in a relationship and some are just not willing to give it up. Now when they said that I felt like it was an "aHA" moment. It gave me just that much more insight to how people are about sex. It totally makes since now. My feelings are a bit hurt, but who knows. Maybe it's better that we don't date because he may not to turn out to be so great. After all, don't we all deserve the best?

Peace be with you.

Signed worth it for alway,
Soaring Song Bird

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Well here goes the first blog......

I'm 19 and I want a tattoo!! My parents would go crazy if I got one though....seriously they would drop dead and disown me. Mk well maybe not those two things but they most certainly would do something extreme.

I want some type of flying bird. I've looked all over the internet and still haven't found one that is perfect for me. Maybe this is because I'm way too picky and a bit apprehensive about getting it. The tattoo will only be like a centimeter or two long on the top of my left thumb. I think it'll look really good!

Then I started thinking about my future kids and in-laws. Now I don't even have a boy friend but you know, a girl starts to wonder. Especially a girl like me, who ponders all the spectrums of life. Will I be bad influence to be kids because I have tattooed a bird to my left thumb? Will I give the wrong impression to my, unknown, in-laws? Will I be considered unprofessional? All these questions, plus more, that ramble throughout this tightly woven head of shinny, brown ringlets God has blessed me with.

Signed the apprehensive for now,
soaring song bird