Sunday, January 27, 2013


Lie with your words
Purple and pink in the night sky
Tell me you love me
Tell me you will never leave my side
Tell me I’m beautiful
Tell me I’m yours
Tell me all the things you told her -
And her
….and her.

Lie with your actions
Can’t breath

Ecstasy for a moment in time just to be filled with –

I hate you –
Mostly myself

Do it
Do it again -

Lie to me, self
Lie to me, soul
Skew my perception
Lie to me

Lie to me, please. 

Turn on the spotlight - Just for a moment…

Before the dark comes to consume me all over again

Saturday, January 19, 2013


There is nothing and everything at the same time
There is joy and happiness, yet all the soul wants is to reside in nothing
How can everything be so handsome and yet the soul is so lost?
A bird finds its way at last through the sky naturally, but how can this soul not yet fly
There is nothing the soul has not felt that any other has not
This is nothing new, nothing outstanding, or impossible to comprehend
How does the same sentiment play out each time?
The wound is always so fresh with its metallic taste