Tuesday, April 9, 2013

We Are Still Young

We are still young
Even though I'm going faster
We are still young
Even though I've done enough sinning for two life times
We are still young
Even though I might not be there in the end

We are still young
Even though you are behind
We are still young
Even though you don't understand
We are still young
Even though you might not be there in the end

The last time this happened I let go
The last time this happened the difference wasn't this big
The last time this happened he didn't give me a second chance
The last time this happened I knew how he felt
The last time this happened I was more beautiful than I am now
The last time this happened I was thin, pure, undamaged 

We are still young
I feel like an idiot

We are still young
You are full of light and promise
We are still young
You keep me going some days

We are still young, and I don't want to lose you.