Sunday, July 13, 2014

Third Time's the Charm

I thought you hung the moon
As cliche as the saying goes
I gazed upon your face with adoration
-still do

However it is with hopes of seeking that feeling of perfection again that pains me so

Will I be seduced again

That boyish charm
That beautiful smile that made my candle burn even brighter in the summer evening
That touch that made me forget it all
The touch that made me forget all right and wrong
--all sin
--all evil
Even though through that touch sin was committed
Master manipulator
Of words
Of looks
Of promises
Of touches
Of skin
Of lips
Of kindness
Of passion
Of compassion
Of patience

It will happen again and again

Will that ever come again?

To find out the truth is to be deceptive again and again

Do I ask to look?
Do I ask to end it?
Do I ask how it was “ended”?
Do I ask to the friendships to end?
Living through the pain
Living through suffering

When will I ever learn

When will I ever use the wisdom gained through the Creator