Sunday, October 20, 2013


It all seems so worthless at times
The fake thing we call life

Is it real or an illusion?
Is it what we want it to be?

Falling victim
Allowing ourselves to become what it wills

Manipulation of the masses
Becoming what they want
We are instilled with what they want

Let them die
Let them rot in their own wastes

Let them know that I am here
I am different
I am here to challenge
To speak ill
To speak well
To speak of nonsense
Of love
Out of turn

To hell with all of them

I’m right because I say so
And my brother, you are right because you say so

There is a God to guide and love, but where is he?

We are all born with an innate sense of what is good
What is right
What is true

Live through this and you will know
Live through this and never fell ashamed
Live through this till death
Upon death you will find freedom
A new life

Surely if this is true, we only live to die, don’t we?
What are you waiting for?
Let me be
Let me wallow
Let me be scorned
Let me die
It must be that I long for a tragedy
Do I really want people to pity me?
Or is it that I want their attention
A cry for help in my lonely world


It must be that nothing left in the world is good

Then why do I smile?
Why is there a tickle in my stomach every time I see you?
Why is there so much joy in music?
Why is it that when I think of God I have to cry?

I have to morn
I have to die

Why do I think of you?
In your goodness
In your purity
In your intelligence
In your grace

All I know is it will never be

I am a tree without roots
A bird without wings
A sun with no sky
The mother with no tears
The lover with no passion
The wind without the rain

I am the one stuck forever in the turbulence of my mind

No one will ever come
No one can ever fix me
Not even myself

I will float away on a cloud
On the wings of a dove...not a dove but a sparrow
For sparrows are never recognized for their good or their beauty 

Never wanted
Never watched

Rarely heard


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

An Enervated Mind

Misunderstanding the extent of naivety
Clinically waiting for passion
Not for her

The search for empathy

How to relate
How to find
How to live

I am the journey

Patient perseverance

Contemplating words
Not worth the phase
The exhaustion of looking

No more consideration?
For anyone?


I am the destination