Friday, March 6, 2009

The Time Has Come

The time has come for Kayla to change. The change will happen with in myself. I have no idea how I will accomplish this but it will happen. I have lived my life far to long in this black whole of what I call....well I'm not going to give that information away...but it's been to long, and I'm getting out of control. I want my life back. I want to be free again. I want to feel as though I can make it again. I want to care again. I want to love again. I want to have a sincere smile again. I want to care more and more again.

1) Read One Proverb out of the Bible a day and reflect on it.
2) Pray at least 3 times a day.
3) Work out 3-4 times a week.
4) Keep my room clean.
5) Stand up for myself.
6) Not be so inappropriate (even if that's who I am sometimes)
7) Take all my necessary daily medications DAILY
8) Be more responsible
9) Be more in tune with those around me.
10) Go to class, do my hw, and strive to give everything I've got to reach the level of potential that God has intended for me to have at this time in my life.

Does this sound very self centered? Most likely, but I have taken a year and two months to better my self and have gotten absolutely NO WHERE. This time I will stick to my guns. This time I will read. This time I will ask for help. This time is for me. This time is for my health. This time is for my friends. This time is for my family. This time is for my art. This time is for my God.

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