Thursday, December 26, 2013

Did You Know?

Did you know I was in love with you?
and you
and you...

It's a gift - loving so deeply
...and hurting
curling in immense pain

Did you know I was in love with you?
your intelligence
your wit
your smile
your thoughtfulness
your boyish charm

Did you know I was in love with you?
your manipulative ways
your arms and how they held me
your wild life
your stubbornness
your generosity

Did you know I was in love with you?
your mind
your soul
your kindness
your laughter
your faithfulness to our Creator

Did you know I was in love with you?

Lastly, for the last one I was in love with...

After all this time -
Me growing
You leaving
Did you know that I know we are supposed to be together?

If not now, then later

If not later, then never

What if that summer was all we had?
We spent it as best friends do

If that's all I get, then I'll take it

After all best friends have the best kind of love
...Don't they?

It's full of trust
full of laughter
full of wanting to be judged – to make sure we are not alone in our thoughts
full of watching
full of similar ideals
full of challenging ideals
full of waiting
full of leaning on each other
full of secrets
full of fun
full of conversations – long conversations
full of questions
full of sharing

I miss you...
did you know?...

did you ever know?

Did you know I was in love with you?

Saturday, November 16, 2013


From the moment I was born he loved me
He held me and took me under his wing
My parents once told me, “He even used to say, I love you Nicole”.

I wish I remembered 
I wish I could have held onto those memories, but I was too young

My parents would say, “He loved you and then you began to crawl and mess with all of his things”.
Ha.  Yup.
Dax never wanted or wants any of his stuff tampered with
If anything is a hair out of place Dax knows

He was always a funny child
Exaggerating wild things
Taking reality and making it seem larger than life
One Friday evening he burped exceedingly loud
His story was, “It was so loud it actually shook the house!”
He was so proud and would tell everyone.
Was it true?
But he would like to think so.

When I was a little girl I knew something was up with him
Telling tall tales, only getting along with certain people, hating change
But I loved him
He was mine
My precious brother

People would make fun of him and I would stand up for him, because he was mine.
I was the only one who could be mean to him, because he was mine.
I was the only one who could watch him play video games for hours and not get tired of it, because he was mine.

When I got into middle school I still knew something was up but I ignored it
I wanted to fit in
I wanted to be normal
I went about my life oblivious

My parents didn’t really know what to do with him
 “Your brother is different”, they would say

When he refused to do something a certain way he would get yelled at
Why?  Because his typical behaviors weren’t “normal”
I remember him crying
It was so loud and so sad
His cries were like those of a child had just experienced pain for the first time
His cries were like the first time, every time

It’s not that how my parents yelled at him was wrong
And it’s not that it was right
It just was what it was and that was that

He didn’t understand
To this day, at times, he doesn’t

We’ll still talk to him about how he eats like an animal
Or tell him that the family room is a public place
“Public place” become a term used often in our house
We use it so he will understand that he has to consider others

I remember as a little girl listening to Oldies 103 radio station with him
I begged him to let me play with his Legos
If he didn’t I would annoy the crap out of him until he felt bad and let me
I loved those mornings before church and the afternoons we shared together as children

It was finally one day in high school I quit defending him
I quit seeing him as a normal person
I quit loving him to some extent
I would yell at him (I still do some days)

You see I was coming into my own
I wanted to fit in
I wanted people to like me
And to me, he wasn’t included in my package

So time went on and I continued to ignore him
Not be there for him
Not encourage him
I would even make fun of him along with people at times
That was the worst.

I didn’t even feel remorse

Dax had talents that I was jealous of
I still kind of am to this day
He has always been great with children
They come to him
They want to play with him and tell him things
I suppose that contributed to me wanting to be talented with them as well (wanting to be a teacher that is)
He was also athletic
He could run, play basketball, do anything he wanted to
But he couldn’t
He couldn’t play on a team
He didn’t understand how to work with others
I always was jealous because I would have loved to receive those genes from my mother and actually use them
But I didn’t.  He did
He even got a great metabolism!
So not fair
Such is life, right?

When I was going through a really rough time my senior year he had to drive me to school for some reason, I forget why now, but he was reluctant
We had to leave earlier or right at the time my parents had given him
Not a minute more or everything would be ruined

Did he have anywhere to be?
But that was Dax.

I think I was about a minute late and of course he was perturbed.
I had been giving my parents a hard time emotionally and financially that year.
Let’s face it.  I had problems
Dax didn’t necessarily know what was going on but he noticed the change in the family dynamic
He decided for the first time in a long time, ever really, to give me brotherly advice.
This is what he said:

“Nicole, if you don’t stop doing what you’re doing this is what’s going to happen”.
Then he promptly played the song “High Way to Hell” over the car stereo speakers

He probably thought he was giving me advice
I told my parents and they just laughed
Years later I can laugh about it too
He was just being himself.
He was probably proud of himself for doing what he had done too

After all this time
Going through high school and college I realized something
I started loving him again
Being patient with him
But I never said I was sorry
In some strange way I feel as though he knows and doesn’t want me to say it
But one day I hope to tell him something
I’m not quite sure what I would say
But maybe one day when I have the guts I’d say this:

I wish I were closer to you
I wish I knew you
I wish I understood you
See how you see the world
Sleep how you sleep
See your gentle heart
I love hearing your laugh
Your concept of the world is black and white
But baby boy the world is grey.  It’s so grey.
And when you cry I cry
When you cry I want to hold you
I want to hold you until all the pain in the world vanishes
Until there is no sin too shallow or too deep that can hold you down
I love you so much
And I’m sorry
I’m sorry for not being there
Ignoring you
Making fun of you
Yelling at you
You know I love you

These days he’s better
I can’t really describe it
It’s not my place to know I suppose
He’s older now
He can hold his own on something’s
He goes to work, school, and church
He likes coins, guns, CSI, and finally shows affection to someone, even if it is the dog
He still doesn’t like it when I come home sometimes because it’s different
It’s a change
He tells me things were better when you weren’t here
But I know him
He has taught me how to love all kinds
He has taught me patients
He has taught me it takes all kinds to make the world spin

Even if his burps don’t shake the house
Even if he calls pixie sticks pitsy sticks
Even if he lives at home for forever
Even if he never gives up on crime scene investigation shows
Even if he never hugs me
Even if he never tells me loves me

He is mine
He is my brother
He is my precious boy
And I love him so very very much

Monday, November 11, 2013

I Don't Vomit When I Look In the Mirror

Looking in the mirror you think
Hey I don’t vomit when I’m looking at myself
But I could stand to lose a bit of weight

So what do you do?
Naturally you go to your local whole foods and buy the most expensive and blandest food in the world because you don’t know how to cook this crap
Yeah, you know I’m right

You spend one week trying to shove this food down your throat
Going to the gym
Looking at all the beautiful people
And even that occasional guy that looks like a turtle

Yeah you’ve seen him
The one with muscles so huge around his neck it looks as though he could quite possibly pop his neck out a little bit more
Oh and that girl who is wearing the Uggs boots
They only wear them during the healthy life drudge during Christmas break
Why? Why oh why yare you wearing Uggs to work out in you idiot
I have my fat ass over here in Nikes
Get on my level
I’m waiting for you to fall on your butt and then turtle man will help you up
Nah nah he will sweep you up because he has too many muscles and doesn’t know how to control them all
Then you will go on to have turtle Ugg boot babies

Any how, you’re getting through this workout and you’re all “I know I have jogged a mile by now!”
NOPE!  Fool you’ve only gone ½ a mile
Why do I feel like death?!

I used to be thin and a workout-aholic
Yeah it’s hard to believe that this big booty used to jog and lift weights
Man I looked good
Ooooo yes

And latter on in that one week of humiliation you either quit or workout outside in your neighborhood
Don’t have a nice neighborhood?
Get shot v. get thin
Yeah I’ll settle for a Twinkie

Hold up….does Hostess make those any more?
Yes, yes they do!
They were all “JK we coming back from bankruptcy because big brother’s got our back”

And while we are on the subject of bankruptcy
Dear American Government
Can you just stop and take care of us for a hot second?
Think about the budget
Use your brain!
Get us out of debt
Will it take years?
You bet your sweet ass but let’s get started
Set a better example for your citizens
Why do you think there are so many poor American?
Because their parents didn’t teach them the skills necessary to keep their money and their parents didn’t teach them and so on
And it all boils down to….
Makes you think, huh?

So now I’m looking in the mirror thinking, “I’m kinda fat and I’m poor”
I want to go to a gym but that’s where the beautiful people go and I’m too poor to join one because I’m too lazy to get a job because no one has ever taught me how

Ah laziness
Laziness is sippin’ ice tea on my front porch with a fly swatter in my hand
*slaps thigh* I got that one
Laziness is playing Xbox, PS3, and GameCube for hours
Laziness is watching someone play Xbox, PS3, and GameCube for hours

Laziness is binge watching a season of Gossip Girl on Netflix
It only took you two days to get through a whole season?
Maybe you should get a life
I’m guilty

Laziness is sitting in a lobby staring at people when you have so many other things to do
Laziness is not wanting to get out of that booth at your local Chili’s because you ate one too many southwestern egg rolls
And man is that creamy avocado sauce good. YES.

At least I don’t vomit when I look in the mirror
Ok I do a little bit

Sunday, October 20, 2013


It all seems so worthless at times
The fake thing we call life

Is it real or an illusion?
Is it what we want it to be?

Falling victim
Allowing ourselves to become what it wills

Manipulation of the masses
Becoming what they want
We are instilled with what they want

Let them die
Let them rot in their own wastes

Let them know that I am here
I am different
I am here to challenge
To speak ill
To speak well
To speak of nonsense
Of love
Out of turn

To hell with all of them

I’m right because I say so
And my brother, you are right because you say so

There is a God to guide and love, but where is he?

We are all born with an innate sense of what is good
What is right
What is true

Live through this and you will know
Live through this and never fell ashamed
Live through this till death
Upon death you will find freedom
A new life

Surely if this is true, we only live to die, don’t we?
What are you waiting for?
Let me be
Let me wallow
Let me be scorned
Let me die
It must be that I long for a tragedy
Do I really want people to pity me?
Or is it that I want their attention
A cry for help in my lonely world


It must be that nothing left in the world is good

Then why do I smile?
Why is there a tickle in my stomach every time I see you?
Why is there so much joy in music?
Why is it that when I think of God I have to cry?

I have to morn
I have to die

Why do I think of you?
In your goodness
In your purity
In your intelligence
In your grace

All I know is it will never be

I am a tree without roots
A bird without wings
A sun with no sky
The mother with no tears
The lover with no passion
The wind without the rain

I am the one stuck forever in the turbulence of my mind

No one will ever come
No one can ever fix me
Not even myself

I will float away on a cloud
On the wings of a dove...not a dove but a sparrow
For sparrows are never recognized for their good or their beauty 

Never wanted
Never watched

Rarely heard


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

An Enervated Mind

Misunderstanding the extent of naivety
Clinically waiting for passion
Not for her

The search for empathy

How to relate
How to find
How to live

I am the journey

Patient perseverance

Contemplating words
Not worth the phase
The exhaustion of looking

No more consideration?
For anyone?


I am the destination  

Monday, September 16, 2013

Till Death Do Us Part

You loved me

Happiness felt like you
We found innocents in each other



Killing beauty

Loving you for forever
Mourning you

Never again

My first love has vanished
My first soul mate evaporated
And now I know

Seeing you with her
Walking out
Counterfeit smiles


She is perfect for you 

But she’s no me.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Internal Monologue of a Southbound Bird

There is nothing left
Reason to live? 
Not for my own 
For God, friends, family, and my future students
I’m not living for me

But then I think, no I am
I am what I want?
Job, friends, choices
People would kill to have things I have, experiences I have had, and the ones to come

How does emptiness occur?
How does pain happen?
God is missing?
Fully recommit back to Him

There is an eagerness
A hunger
I want
Relationships on earth

Look toward heavenly things
Lay up for heaven

It hurts
Days pass
Death lingers near
Would it be better if I...
I long for more

What to do?
Follow God’s plan
Nothing good ever came from not following His plan
Live the life

I’m stuck
Work harder? But I’m always working

Lazy, tired, worthless
I’ll try

Be like Him
God grant me wisdom
Grant me peace
Grant me love
Grant me kindness

Help me.

I’m drowning.